Showing posts with label CRISPR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CRISPR. Show all posts

Monday 2 September 2024

CRISPR Case Studies: HIV resistant babies, cancer and blindness

In the video - CRISPR Case Studies: Ethical Dilemmas and Revolutionary Applications - I look at the illegal use of CRISPR on babies and its legal use to treat some conditions.

CRISPR has emerged as a powerful genetic engineering tool. However, it does come with the ethical implications.


CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) is a gene-editing tool that allows scientists to alter DNA sequences within organisms. Using this technology, researchers can add, remove, or modify genetic material, leading to potential cures for genetic diseases, improved agricultural practices, and innovative solutions to environmental issues.

However, using CRISPR, especially in humans, raises significant ethical issues.

The CRISPR Babies

One of the most shocking uses of CRISPR on humans occurred when the genomes of human embryos were edited, leading to the birth of two genetically modified babies. The primary goal was to disable the CCR5 gene to produce babies that were HIV-resistant. That is, remove the receptor that HIV uses to enter human cells.

The CCR5 gene was selected because a naturally occurring mutation in this gene provides resistance to HIV and the Black Death in about 1% of Northern Europeans.

Researchers attempted to mimic this natural 32-base pair deletion using CRISPR, disrupting the CCR5 receptor's function and preventing HIV infection.

Outcomes and Concerns

The resulting edits did not replicate the exact natural mutation. One baby had a 15-base pair deletion in one copy of the gene, while the other had different insertions and deletions across both gene copies.

These unintended mutations raise serious health concerns as studies suggest that individuals with CCR5 mutations may have a 20% lower likelihood of reaching age 76 and could be more susceptible to other infections and diseases.

There is also the risk of off-target edits, where CRISPR inadvertently alters other parts of the genome, potentially leading to unforeseen health issues.

The scientific community widely condemned this work for its ethical breaches, lack of transparency, and disregard for established guidelines. The researchers involved faced legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

This case highlights the ethical dilemmas associated with germline editing:

  • Consent: The edited changes are heritable, affecting future generations who cannot consent.
  • Risk vs. Benefit: The potential health risks may outweigh the intended benefits, especially given existing alternatives to prevent HIV transmission.
  • Regulatory Oversight: The need for strict guidelines and oversight in genetic editing research is evident to prevent misuse and ensure ethical compliance.

Promising and Legal Applications of CRISPR

CRISPR has the potential for legitimate and beneficial medical applications. Here are two examples:

1. Cancer Treatment

Treatment of testicular cancer resistant to conventional therapies.

Patient-derived T cells are collected and genetically modified using CRISPR to disrupt three specific genes that regulate T cell targeting. 

A lentivirus is then used to introduce a new targeting mechanism, directing the T cells to recognise and attack proteins unique to the patient's cancer cells.

The modified T cells are then reintroduced into the patient, aiming to boost the immune system's ability to fight cancer effectively.

This represents a personalised and targeted approach to cancer therapy and demonstrates CRISPR's potential to improve immunotherapy treatments.

2. Treating Childhood Blindness

CRISPR is also being used to address Leber Congenital Amaurosis 10 (LCA10), a cause of blindness in children.

The procedure targets the CEP290 gene, where specific mutations disrupt normal retinal development.

The CRISPR components are packaged into adeno-associated viruses (AAVs), and the system precisely removes the mutation in the CEP290 gene, aiming to restore proper protein function and improve vision.

Additional Resources

Friday 30 August 2024

The Cavendish Banana Crisis: How CRISPR Could Save Our FavoUrite Fruit

I like bananas — there, I have said it. They are one of my go-to fruits. But did you know they are in danger of being wiped out and no longer available?

In this video - How CRISPR Could Save Bananas from Extinction | The Cavendish Crisis Explained -  I look at why bananas are in trouble and how genetic engineering may come to the rescue.

About 99% of bananas we eat come from a single strain known as the Cavendish. Unfortunately, this strain faces a threat that could wipe it out.

The Cavendish Banana: A Monoculture at Risk

As popular as it is, the Cavendish banana has a significant vulnerability. It's sterile, meaning it can’t reproduce through seeds like many other plants. Instead, it’s propagated through cuttings. While this has allowed us to produce vast quantities of genetically identical bananas, it also means that if a disease affects one plant, it can quickly spread to all Cavendish bananas worldwide.

Fusarium wilt tropical race 4, or TR4, is a fungus threatening to wipe out the Cavendish banana. TR4 attacks the plant's roots, eventually killing it. Because the Cavendish is sterile, traditional breeding methods can’t be used to introduce resistance to this fungus, making the banana especially vulnerable.

Worryingly, this isn’t the first time a banana strain has faced extinction due to a fungal disease. Before the Cavendish, the Gros Michel banana was the world's favourite. However, attacked by a different strain of Fusarium wilt, leading to its near-total disappearance from the market. The Cavendish was introduced as a replacement, but now it’s facing a similar fate.

How Can We Save the Cavendish Banana?

Traditional breeding can't be used as the Cavendish is sterile. Hence, scientists are using genetic engineering to save the banana. One of the most promising approaches involves tweaking the banana’s genome to make it resistant to TR4. 

One explored method is inserting a resistance gene from wild bananas into the Cavendish. The wild bananas have naturally evolved to resist the fungus, and by transferring their genes, we could give the Cavendish the same level of resistance.

However, an even more interesting approach would be to use CRISPR to make precise changes to the banana’s DNA. In the case of the Cavendish banana, CRISPR could be used to activate a gene that has been silenced but could provide resistance to TR4. Additionally, CRISPR could deactivate genes that make the Cavendish susceptible to the fungus.

Why CRISPR is a Game-Changer

The advantage of using CRISPR is that it doesn’t involve inserting foreign DNA into the banana. This means the resulting banana wouldn’t be considered transgenic, which could ease regulatory hurdles and public concerns about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). 

Additional Resources

Friday 3 May 2024

New video posted: Understanding Nucleic Acid Hybridisation: Methods & Applications Explained

In this video, I look at Nucleic Acid Hybridisation and how it is the underlying principle for several lab techniques, such as PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), dot blots, colony blot hybridisation, chromosome in situ hybridisation (FISH), microarrays, Southern and Northern blotting, and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing.

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Additional Reading

The video was produced with help from the following resources: