Friday 17 May 2024

New Video Posted: Cellular Membranes: The role of proteins in the membranes

In this video, Cellular Membranes: The role of proteins in the membranes, I look at the problem of getting material and information in and out of the cell and the role proteins play.

I introduce the eight ways proteins can interact with membranes: single and multiple membrane-spanning proteins, beta barrels, and proteins anchored by lipid chains or other proteins. ion transport, enzymatic reactions, and signal transduction. The video also covers the function of some protein domains (SH2 and SH3 domains, PH domains, and PTB domains) and some of the functions carried out by proteins in the membrane, such as the transport of ions, molecules and information.

This is one of four videos on membranes, the other two being:

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New video posted: Cellular Membranes: Protection, Structure, and Function

In this video - Cellular Membranes: Protection, Structure, and Function, I introduce cell (biological) membranes and discuss why cells have membranes, the problems they solve and the problems they cause.

The video also looks at the structure of the plasma membrane and the membranes surrounding the organelles.

This is one of four videos on membranes, the other two being:

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Blog Bonus: Free information sheet summarising the video and defining the key terms - download.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

New eBook Available: Maths and Chemistry Refresher for Life and Biomedical Scientists

I have a new eBook available on Google Play Books - Maths and Chemistry Refresher for Life and Biomedical Scientists.

Maths and Chemistry Refresher for Life and Biomedical Scientists
Maths and Chemistry Refresher
for Life and Biomedical Scientists

The book is a refresher for life, biomedical sciences and chemistry students who may be a little unsure of some of the key maths and chemistry skill they need and covers:

  • Elements, atoms, ions, molecules, and compounds
  • Atomic weight, isotopes and molecular weight
  • Amounts, volumes, and concentrations
  • The SI units and the SI unit prefixes (m, µ, n, p etc.)
  • Scientific Notation
  • Dealing with unit prefixes (m, µ, n, p etc.) in calculations 
  • Order of operations (BODMAS and PEMDAS) in maths
  • How to get the best out of your calculator
  • Maths 'tricks' — Logs
  • And, graphs

Friday 10 May 2024

New video posted: Understanding Meiosis: The Process of Germ Cell Division

In this video on Understanding Meiosis: The Process of Germ Cell Division, I look at meiosis.

In the video, I discuss why meiosis is important, meiosis I and II, the key steps in Prophase I (Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene and Diakinesis), and the consequence when it goes wrong.

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Blog Bonus: Free information sheet summarising the video and defining the key terms - download.

New video posted: Understanding Mitosis: The Essential Guide to Cell Division

I have posted a cell biology revision video called "Understanding Mitosis: The Essential Guide to Cell Division" in which I go over the key steps in mitosis - Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase and Interphase.

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Blog Bonus: Free information sheet summarising the video and defining the key terms - download.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

New video posted: Cell Growth vs. Cell Proliferation (the cell cycle) Explained

In this video, I examine cell growth (hypertrophy) and proliferation (hyperplasia), with the content mainly focused on hyperplasia and the cell cycle.

The cell cycle is a sophisticated series of events that cells undergo to duplicate themselves. It's divided into four main phases:

  • G1 Phase: The cell grows and synthesises proteins (cells may sit in G0 phase before entering G1).
  • S Phase: Chromosomes are duplicated.
  • G2 Phase: The cell prepares for mitosis.
  • M Phase: Mitosis occurs, and chromosomes are separated into daughter cells.

Most of a cell's life is spent in the interphase, which includes the G1 (G0), S, and G2 phases. This period is crucial for the cell as it performs its regular functions, replicates proteins, synthesises RNAs, and maintains organelles.

The cycle is regulated by the Mitosis-Promoting Factor (MPF), consisting of cyclin and cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk). These proteins are essential for the progression of the cell cycle, particularly in phosphorylating specific amino acids on proteins that need to be activated or deactivated for the cycle to proceed.

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Blog Bonus: Free information sheet summarising the video and defining the key terms - download.

Monday 6 May 2024

Mastering the Art of Graphing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Drawing graphs is essential in educational and professional settings, as it helps communicate information clearly and efficiently. Whether you're a student, a scientist, or just looking to present data compellingly, knowing how to create an effective graph is invaluable. Here’s a guide to help you draw graphs that are not only informative but also visually appealing.

1. Utilise Your Graph Paper Fully

The first step in drawing a graph is to make the best use of the available space on your graph paper. Avoid cramming all data into one corner; instead, spread out your data across the graph. This approach helps in better visualisation and interpretation later on.

2. Tools of the Trade

Always use a sharp pencil to mark points and draw lines. This ensures precision in your work, making your graph more readable and professional.

3. Plotting Your Points

Begin by placing your data points on the graph. Be precise and ensure each point is placed correctly according to the values it represents. This accuracy is crucial for the reliability of your graph.

4. Deciding on the Line of Best Fit

Once your points are plotted, decide whether to connect the dots directly or to use a line of best fit. If you opt for a line of best fit, ensure it appropriately represents the trend in your data, with the points evenly distributed around the line.

5. Drawing Lines

Whether connecting points directly or drawing a line of best fit, use a ruler to keep your lines straight and neat. For curves, maintain a smooth, consistent shape.

6. Labelling is Key

Clearly label your axes and include units of measurement. This step is crucial as it provides context to your data, making the graph informative and easy to understand. Remember to label both the x-axis and y-axis accurately. Don't forget the units.

7. Title Your Graph

Always give your graph a descriptive title that captures the essence of the data it represents. A well-chosen title can effectively communicate the purpose of the graph at a glance.

8. Setting Up Axes

Select sensible ranges for your axes to avoid data clustering that can occur if the ranges are too narrow. Proper scaling enhances the graph's clarity and makes it easier to interpret the data.

9. Interpreting Data

For instance, plotting a standard curve for protein concentration against absorbance, start with known concentrations on the x-axis and absorbance on the y-axis. Adjust the axis range to ensure all points are visible and not squished at the bottom.

10. Calculating and Using the Gradient

Once your graph is complete if you need to calculate the gradient of a straight line, draw the largest possible triangle under the line and use the formula (rise/run). This gradient could represent a specific value of interest, such as an extinction coefficient in spectrophotometry.

11. Dealing with Multiple Data Sets

If your graph contains multiple data sets, differentiate each set using various styles of points and lines. This distinction makes it easier to compare and contrast the data sets visually.

12. Avoid Extrapolation

Never extrapolate your data beyond the measured range. Doing so can lead to inaccurate conclusions. For data points that exceed the range of your graph, note that these values are beyond measured limits.

Final Thoughts

Graphing doesn't have to be daunting. With the right tools and a careful approach, anyone can create clear, informative, and visually appealing graphs. Remember, a good graph tells a story that speaks with clarity and impact.

If you would like to support my blogging efforts, then please feel free to buy me a coffee at

Blog Bonus: Free information sheet summarising the video and defining the key terms - download.

If you need help with your lab maths, then check out my eBook "Maths and Chemistry Refresher for Life and Biomedical Scientists"